
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Integrity in Voting on Amendments to Legislation

The practice of legislatures both state and federal of blocking votes on amendments to bills before the House of Representatives or Senate is a practice that should make voters angry. The representatives or senators have the right to have their amendments placed before the full Senate or House of Representatives. Denying proposed amendments does not allow the process to work for all the constituents of the applicable senator or representative. Granted there are times when the submitting amendments to bills being generated is an attempt to water down the original proposed bill. This kind of action by any senator or representative does not serve their constituents best interest. They are there to make sure that the interest of their constituents and/or our country is best served.

The process of submitting amendments to proposed legislation should not have limits. This right as discussed above is where senators and representatives have a right to place an amendment to legislation that is being processed. This right includes the right of a vote by the entire legislative body to which they belong, not just a committee. The process should be specific and the rules followed for all proposed amendments. Denying actions by representatives and senators to propose amendments violates their rights and duties in their respective offices. Proposed amendments should not be rejected simply for the reason that the committee disagrees with the content. Within reason, amendments should be limited if it can be determined that the amendments are an attempt to water down the overall purpose of the original piece of legislation. This can be hard to determine in some cases. One example where amendments may be restricted is where they are intended to be applicable to only a specific segment of society such as the district to which the representative or senator is serving.

Senators and Representatives should only propose amendments to legislation that add value and/or is in the best interest of their constituents and our country. Any proposed amendments should be to add value and/or clarify vague conditions contained in the original. Many times when legislation is written subjects are not covered that are important to the content and success of the legislation. This, I believe, is the purpose of having amendments to legislation. Amendments should enhance legislation.

To summarize I would like to add that any senator or representative who proposes amendments to legislation should consider if they are adding value. They should not be an attempt to dilute the legislation. If amendments do not add value, then they do not deserve to be recognized. This statement is made without restriction to party affiliation. Amendments by any party should be reviewed on the basis of merit not because a party not in power does generate them. This is the only way a senator or a representative can truly serve the best interest of the public they serve.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Perception and Integrity

Today the subject of integrity is constantly in the news. Words used to describe news events provide a perception to the public and sometimes the words used do not match the facts when all is said and done. Perception is involved in every evaluation of an individual, company or organization. When a person makes statements the perception can be that he is for or against a specific issue or has certain principles. However, actions and documentation to support the statements made must accompany the words. Initial perceptions can be deceiving and may not be based on facts but sometimes this is intentional. Companies want to project certain images to the public and make statements that may be in agreement with public opinion. However the perception we see must be matched by documentation for us to retain the perception generated.

People who give the perception of having integrity in their words may in some instances be giving a false impression. One example is where people many times want to give a positive perception of being good and honest when the facts state otherwise. If actions do not match the words, the perception is that they did not mean what they said. This provides an opinion or perception that they cannot be trusted. This affects people as individuals and it affects the organizations to which they are a part. Companies do not want to give the perception that their words are meaningless but sometimes this occurs if the wrong perception is generated through actions of their employees and management.

There are many examples, which are in the news where people are investigated for violation of the ethics principles they are to follow. Sometimes the investigation concludes that no violation existed. The perception caused the investigation to be initiated as the conditions gave the appearance or perception that a violation had occurred. It is also important to note that perception can be or is a key point in the opinion others have of us as individuals and the organizations to which we are a part.

In operating a business the public perception of the products or services a business has can or will affect the profit or loss of the company. Companies and individuals within them must take actions to publicize what you or your organization is about so current and potential customers may form the correct opinion. The key again is that any statements made must be met with action by management and employees.

The perception of a company can be created or impacted by coverage of company decisions in the news. If all the facts are not presented the public opinion of the company or individual will be affected. We as individuals also form opinions of companies and individuals based on our interaction with them. With regard to personal experiences our opinion can be impacted on how we are treated by a member of an organization or company. If we receive bad service or have a bad experience with a product, our opinion or perception of a company or individual will be negative. This usually translates into finding other resources for the product or service provided.

People want to be treated fairly when dealing with individuals and organizations. At the same time we want to project that we are responsive to doing business with organizations that respect their customers. If we feel we are treated fairly and that the business operates in an environment of integrity, we are more likely to continue to do business with them. The right perception is important as the public will make decisions based on the perception the company or organization transmits.

Politicians regularly try to project that they are looking out for the public good. Perception affects us all by the way we talk and the actions we take. This again is how opinions are formed of us as individuals. We must remember to match our words with our actions and thus provide a positive perception.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Making Decisions Based on Public Poll Surveys

There is much activity relating to polls on various topics of interest generated on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The outcome and accuracy of polls is dependent upon honest and random participation of chosen participants. Many times the outcome of polls taken may not or will not be reflective of the actual public position. Those who take polls in some cases want to project a specific outcome. This can be for a variety of reasons. If a poll is taken of democrats and republicans on an issue the outcome may or will be different based on part affiliation. Polls taken must be reliable in that the participants should be randomly selected to provide a cross section of the public and their opinion on the issues. The results must be verified to some extent to be reliable. Exit polls taken during elections may not or have not been reflective of the outcome for a specific state. The reason can be due to the sample taken or the actual response of the participants.

Some politicians and this does not mean all politicians, regularly look at poll numbers make decisions based upon what they perceive is the public viewpoint on given topics. This is occurring since the politicians, especially those running for re-election want to be on the side of the public so they will be re-elected. This is wrong. Politicians should base their decisions on the issue at hand not on the public approval or disapproval for a given legislative action. The merits of proposed legislation should be evaluated and then a decision made based on the value and benefit to their constituents and/or the country. The news media regularly present polls on the issues. This is only of value if the polls are randomly taken and not skewed to present a specific viewpoint as with the position of the media taking the poll. This does not imply that polls taken by all organizations are skewed. However, the outcome can be determined based on the population used.

All politicians local, state and federal and even the President should not make decisions based on polls taken by any organization. Decisions should made be based upon the merits of the issue and what it is felt to be the right decision to make. Sometimes decisions need to be made that are unpopular but they need to be made. Making decisions based on the outcome of polls does not say much for the integrity of the decisions that are made. Politicians must have enough integrity to make decisions not based on polls or party position but on the merits of the issue. They need to make decisions that are right for their constituents and/or the country. If we start making decisions or in some cases continue to make decisions based on the opinions of others we affect the value and integrity of the decisions we make.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

American Heroes

I read a book titled American Heroes: In Defense of America. This is a great book. We tend to think of American heroes as those individuals that are part of our military forces. American heroes can be anyone. They can be your neighbors, friends and anyone with which you interact. A hero is someone that helps to change or impacts the lives of others through their action (s). Sometimes being a hero involves risking your life such as a policeman, fireman or military person. It can also be helping others get out of the way of a dangerous situation. We need to be thankful to any profession or person that helps protect the rest of us. Many times there are those who are critical of professions for situations that occur. They focus on the bad results and try to inflame the situation. This does not mean that situations should be ignored but people need to have an open mind, as there are always two sides to a story. Sometimes things cannot be avoided while other times people involved with professions to protect us do not react, as they should. People make mistakes and the profession and the people in it should not be labeled when situations arise.

People in professions that provide services involving serving the community or our country are typically, I believe, good, honest people who do their jobs to the best of their ability. Professions such as fireman, policeman and those in the military are only a few of the many professions that support our communities and our country. Often times their lives may be hard relating to the requirements of their job but they have a commitment to serve. We should honor that commitment and service on a daily basis. They are heroes in the true sense as their action impact the lives of the people around them and their country.

Decisions are sometimes made that put others in harms way but we should support the people that carry out those decisions. An example is our military. We should support the many people serving in our military and their families in the sacrifices they make every day. The decision to go to war should not affect our support. They are serving to protect us from harm. Even without a war their local communities and the nation should support all our military and their families.

Another example of a hero can be a dad for a son or daughter. Parents who support their children and try their best to be examples for them to follow are heroes. When we have principles that are a reflection of who we are and we stand by them we can be heroes to others that we may not even know. Heroes change or impact the lives of others in serving their community or country. If you would like more examples of who are American heroes I highly recommend that you check out this link: ( On this site it indicates that this book (Modern Day Heroes: In Defense of America) will be given to those in the military who would like a copy. Making the decision to buy this book and supporting our troops by paying for a copy for the people on this list would be one way of showing our appreciation.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Integrity of Teachers

The integrity of teachers has a great impact on the quality and content of classes they teach. There are many teachers that take their job seriously in our education system. They feel they are an important piece to educating the leaders of tomorrow. However, there are those who are just there for the pay and do not make any effort to go the extra mile. If our society is to have the leaders it needs for the future our educational system must provide those who take the profession of teaching seriously. Teachers are not limited to our school system but also those who teach within companies or organizations. Those who take great care and effort in the education process need to be rewarded and recognized. Criteria should be established to recognize those teachers who actually exhibit enthusiasm in their teaching efforts. There are many good teachers but sometimes the system involved does not provide the resources to enhance the content of courses taught at all levels.

Part of having integrity in teaching a class teachers must have the qualifications and/or experience to teach. There are times when teachers are administering classes for which they have no degree or knowledge in the subject. This is evidenced by statistics that is available on the Department of Education web site. I have also written an article titled Integrity in Education which can be accessed at Classes that are taught in companies or organizations are also important to be assured that the best instructor is provided for the class. A person who has taken a class does not make them qualified to teach. They may have the knowledge of the subject but not the capability to put that knowledge to work in teaching others. There are those who have a gift or enjoy the educational process and can translate a subject to a classroom environment. These people should be utilized at all levels in all organizations. This concept applies not only to the private sector but also the public sector. Using these resources will help to enhance the quality and integrity of the education of tomorrow’s leaders.

Those who take the profession of teaching must have integrity for the subjects they teach. They must make sure that all applicable information is provided to their students. They should have the resources at their disposal to make this a reality. Teaching any subject involves not limiting the content to provide complete and accurate information for the students to learn. If a teacher does not possess the knowledge or experience for a subject they are assigned to teach, they should respectfully refuse to teach it. I have a high regard for teachers and they should not be forced to teach subjects that their degrees or experiences do not provide adequate resources.
Teachers must also provide a connection from the classroom to the application of the subject to society. This is important to show the students the applicability of the subject when they enter the job market. This will not only enhance the quality of the learning process for the subject but will increase active participation of the students in the class.

To summarize integrity of teachers at all levels is important and must be emphasized by not only the teachers but also those responsible for the quality and integrity of the courses being taught. Administrators, school boards and anyone responsible for course content must assure that a quality education/training is achieved. They need to take the measures available to them to assure the most qualified people are teaching the applicable subjects. Sometimes this may involve allowing those without degrees to teach specific aspects of a subject to connect their experiences to the classroom.