
Friday, June 30, 2006

Integrity in Gas Prices

I support the concept of those companies who process crude oil and/or sell gasoline to consumers to make a profit. There has been much activity with gas prices going up and down on a regular basis. The price of a barrel of oil is constantly changing. What this article is about is the fact that gas prices at service stations are constantly changing. This occurs even when the same supply is in the tanks to be sold. Deliveries do not occur as often as the change in gas prices.

The change in gas prices at gas stations brings into question why the prices are changing so much with the same supply in the tanks. The price of gas should remain the same until a new supply is delivered. The price charged can be calculated based on the amount of gallons left and the number added to the tank. The cost of supply is known for both quantities. If prices were adjusted based on delivery of additional supply, then the prices would be more stable at the pump and, I believe, the public would be less likely to be irritated. At least the price changes would have some degree of logic.

I must state we all like to see gas prices go down for whatever reason but we do not like to see prices go up. The most logical sense would be to have a more stable/consistent price. This would allow the public to better adjust their driving habits where they can. With the constant change they cannot plan in their budget how much they will need for gas to go to work, run errands and other necessary traveling. It has also been stated that the changes in the price of a barrel of oil takes a few months before the supply at the pump is affected. However, when the price goes up on oil, the price at the pump seems to go up at the very report of higher oil prices.

The information in this article, I believe, is something that everyone seems to have an opinion about. We must understand the nature of business to make a profit but when the perception is that business is charging higher prices than what the public feels is normal, the public becomes irritated. Those in the business of processing crude oil for delivery to gas stations must understand that the operation of their business is not well received with the public.

There has also been much information about the fact that there are different requirements for gasoline and environmental concerns from various states. I understand the need to satisfy the needs of individual states to impose environmental requirements. If states would discuss their needs and generate a set formula for content of gasoline production it would ease the process of creating gasoline for the public. This, I believe, would help to reduce cost and possibly reduce the price at the pump. Anytime a common set of criteria for a product is established, it is beneficial to the overall process and efficiency. If the process were to become more efficient then the oil companies would be able to charge less for each gallon sold.

In summary we as individuals can reduce our need for gas if we consolidate trips and walk to those places we can instead of driving. If states were to discuss their needs and generate a consistent formula that could be applied to all states then the possibility exist that gas prices could be reduced. Oil companies need to make a profit to stay in business as all companies do but if the efficiency can be increased the cost would be reduced and a potential reduction of prices at the pump.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Leadership and Integrity

Leadership and integrity are two concepts that are an integral part of each other. To be a true leader and someone who sets an example for others to follow, a person must display and have the characteristics of integrity. A person who leads must do so with setting examples for others. Their actions and character have others who follow them based on their examples. Sometimes we are leaders by example and do not realize that we are an example for others. In our work we can be leaders simply by completing our assigned responsibilities to the best of our ability. This type of commitment can be an example for others.

Leadership as an individual or as a leader of an organization or company must display integrity principles in all decisions and actions that are made. It is important that leaders today display integrity. This must be validated through documented records. A person who displays leadership credentials but has no evidence to support their statements are not real leaders. Leaders are honest, tell the truth and they make the right decision not based on opinion but on a complete set of facts as they know them. Sometimes that decision may not be popular but a true leader does the right thing whether or not it is supported by an organization or company to which they are associated. If a leader makes a mistake as identified through additional information, then he/she must take steps to correct the error and give the reason (s) for the change in position.

Leaders set good examples for others and by their actions others will follow. This affect sometimes occurs without realizing the effect. Integrity principles must be instilled in the fabric of our economy. True leaders must have integrity in all phases of their lives, both personal and business. We as individuals must make an effort to change the perception and actions as identified in news stories of the lack of integrity in business and government operations. I believe there are people in business and government that have integrity and make the right decisions even though they may be unpopular. If you make a statement or commitment, and it must be moral and legal, then we loose credibility if we do not complete the action or documentation does not support the statement.

Credibility is important in society today and can be the difference between success and failure in our daily activities. Again today we have seen and continue to see many instances where various leaders, both government and in the private sector have failed in the performance of their duties. If the mechanics of leadership in society is going to change we as individuals must take action to require that change take place. While we are only one individual, if enough individuals take a stand to instill integrity within society then if others do so society will begin to change. People have a right to have leaders in business and government to have integrity in their performance of their responsibilities.

We are all capable of being leaders. We have the capability of leading by example and instilling the qualities of integrity in our actions. We as parents are in essence leaders for our children. If we want our children to succeed and be future leaders of society, we must be leaders for them and be examples that we would want them to follow. Are we going to make mistakes? The answer is yes. The key is to show our children that we can learn from our mistakes and help them to avoid the mistakes we have made. If we are true leaders in our parent responsibilities, then our children will be examples for others and society which will increase their chances for success.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Integrity in Revising Ethics/Integrity Rules

There have been several recent articles and discussions involving revision of ethics /principles in place for various organizations, private and government. Ethics rules if written correctly should have little reason to be revised. The key to many ethics/integrity rules is to keep them constant so everyone knows and understands them. It is important to generate rules with clear direction and guidelines without the possibility of various interpretations. However, there are always going to be those who want to interpret to fit their needs. This is wrong.

Ethics/integrity principles should be written in clear language which would help to prevent different interpretations from the rules. However, there are reasons why these rules could be revised. One of these involves the need to clarify the language written in either the original version or an updated version that has had different meanings not originally recognized. Another is the result of incidents that are unacceptable to the public and/or the ethics committee tasks to keeping integrity principles within an organization or government entity.

Ethics/integrity principles should be reviewed periodically to keep the rules up to date for current acceptable conditions. Over time things that were once acceptable may now be unacceptable. In the same aspect things that were once unacceptable may now be acceptable. The people affected by ethics rules in place deserve the rules to be followed.

Many organizations have ethics/integrity principles identified in their mission or operation policies. I applaud those that have them as a way of identifying to their customers or constituents their policy with regard to ethics/integrity principles. It is important to have specific guidelines that are not open to interpretation. Again, it is also important to not have the guidelines so cumbersome that it is difficult to understand the rules for those required to follow them. It is also important for those watching those who are to obey the rules to understand them and have the capability to make a decision on any possible violation by those required to follow them.

In summary ethics/integrity principles are an important factor in identifying the principles in place for business and government organizations. Ethics/integrity principles should be properly written to avoid different interpretations of the rules. These rules should be reviewed periodically for any needed update to address conditions that were not originally identified in the current version. This can be caused by situations that surface where problems are identified where conditions are clearly unacceptable to the public but not identified as a violation of the principles in place. These kinds of issues should be addressed and added to any revisions as deemed necessary by the ethics committee.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Permission to Think

I recently read a blog from another writer titled I Give You Permission. The blog was by Matthew Moran. This blog article brings to the surface many things that I feel have occurred in many places within society. We sometimes limit ourselves waiting for opportunities which slowly surface or not at all. There are also times when opportunities arise and we are reluctant to make a decision. Our society and the environment in which we work in part sometimes generate this.

Unions, in some cases, stress that we should not do anything outside of our assigned responsibilities. This condition, I feel, is usually to protect the worker from the management of a company trying to get work done at less cost. While this may be good for the company it does not provide benefits for the worker as they are performing duties totally outside of their responsibilities. There is another side in that we as workers can provide our own opportunities for advancement if we volunteer to do something outside the scope of our job. This provides evidence that we can do other functions that we may not otherwise be recognized as qualified to perform. This can provide an opportunity for applying for future job openings. This will only work if we receive the credit for the functions we performed outside our assigned duties. The remainder of this article will identify various aspects of the I give you permission article with my input and examples for each area identified.

I give you permission to create opportunity

We can create our own opportunities. Many people look in newspapers or online for job openings that they are qualified to perform. This limits our opportunities. We have the capability of creating our own opportunities. If we have what we feel are the qualifications to perform specific tasks but are not recognized as qualified, we should contact the source advertising the position and let them know why we feel we are qualified for the job. This opens avenues to the hiring facility and us as individuals by not limiting our search for those positions where there is a clear connection between our work/experience history and the position (s) being advertised.
We can create or recognize other opportunities by what appears to be a lack of integrity in business and products. People want to do business with organizations that are committed to integrity principles and they want products that are of high quality and function as advertised. If we can provide these conditions through our business/web site, then we open an avenue that may not otherwise present itself.

I give you permission to request and take on projects and responsibility outside of your direct training or job description.

This aspect identifies conditions to increase our expertise on any subject to which we feel has a need. In a past position there was a need to understand a specific process. As a result I researched and looked at procedures and requirements and became familiar with the process. I became a recognized expert for the process as I took the initiative to learn as much as I could through research and asking questions. It became one of my recognized quality/experiences that otherwise may not have taken place without my initiative to learn new things. We must all not be afraid of learning new processes or technology as we never know where it will take us in the future or the opportunities that may open as a result.

I give you permission to learn new technologies quickly and turn them into tools in your arsenal within 2-3 months of learning them.

In the preceding paragraph I mention about taking an initiative to learn new processes or technologies. Taking this aspect further we can create new opportunities by creating technologies that are needed to fill a need. Many things were designed as a result of the need to advance our space exploration. New products and techniques were needed to successfully accomplish our landing on the moon. As a by product new products became available that may not otherwise been accomplished. We can also use the new technologies and/or processes we learn to make a positive impact on our business or company with which we are connected.

I give you permission to yield the rewards of unyielding, proactive, optimism.

This aspect involves having a positive attitude. We should restrict ourselves from drawing a conclusion that something will not work. While having a positive attitude will not reduce the amount of work involved but committing to an idea and researching and making it work is what this country is all about. Many people take ideas and work with the process to finalize a new technique, product or service. This not only creates an opportunity but enhances our experience and may provide other opportunities in the future that are not known at the time. If you are interested in reading the article by Matthew Moran here is the link: The article was posted 3/28/2006.

If you are interested or have a skill which will benefit other companies or organizations in your area the article suggest contacting them directly and not waiting for a job announcement. This creates an opportunity and establishes your creditability. In business we seek opportunities to succeed but we must make our opportunities by researching available options within the scope of our business. There are many instances which are overlooked where opportunities exist for various marketing methods but there are also opportunities for us to develop our business profile by establishing an opportunity.