
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Integrity in Local Legislation

Integrity in local legislation involves city ordnances that are generated to assure the needs of the residents and that the government functions are adequately addressed. Sometimes these documents display content that do not comply with the principles of integrity or ethics. While there are many city governments that responsibly generate these ordnances, others do not. Local governments must act responsibly to generate legislation through whatever document is necessary to provide for the operation of necessary services that residents expect.

Ordnances or laws dependant upon the term used must be generated with great care and only be initiated to meet governmental needs or the needs expressed or expected by city residents. The subjects must be carefully decided and the requirements must be identified before any document should be created. There should also be a process for the public to comment on any proposed legislation. Some local governments have this option and it is usually part of a regular council meeting. Communication between the residents and their government is important if the people are to have faith in the decisions that are made.

Many times situations occur that force changes to be made. When the changes are decided upon the implementation should be delayed, where possible, to allow community input. Communities are also made up of businesses and any legislation that affects the operations of businesses in the community should be carefully considered. Local governments want an environment in which businesses can flourish and they need to be careful in not generating legislation or requirements that will affect this environment.

This is necessary especially where new requirements are being imposed based on needs identified. Also any governmental document must be written clearly so the public understands them. These requirements must be communicated to the public through monthly meetings, town meetings and/or documents mailed to residents. This communication is necessary for two reasons. The first is to inform the residents of any new or revised changes. The second is to inform the residents of how their elected officials are managing their responsibilities.

City ordnances and policies upon which the government operates must be accomplished through principles of integrity. Integrity today in all levels of government appears to be lacking to some extent. While this statement is not a reflection on all participants or representatives, the perception must change. I know there are people in government that perform their responsibilities under the principles of integrity. This article is not a reflection upon those individuals. People have a right, especially at the local level of government, to have their elected officials make decisions according to principles of integrity.

Many decisions must be made in running a local government. Some decisions involve tax rates to pay for government programs and expenses. Some expenses involve the maintenance of roads and providing snow removal during the winter months. Some cities, depending upon their size, have higher expenses than others and must assure they have the income to support the needs of the residents. It is also important to maintain integrity principles in conducting city council meetings and allow for input from residents into decisions being made or considered.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Integrity in National Legislation

Integrity in the political process is something that needs to be increased. Legislation proposed at the national level needs to meet certain criteria if the legislation is going to be a valuable addition to current laws. Today there is much news about legislation that keeps being added to other bills being processed that are an effort to get legislation for a specific community or state. While this is not necessarily a bad situation, the value of the legislation needs to be examined. These criteria would help to eliminate or reduce wasteful spending and may help to reduce the national debt. Remaining legislation proposed at the national level also needs to be evaluated based on value added conditions and/or whether the requirement is the responsibility of the federal government to provide.

Proposed legislation at the national level should also not be bogged down with devoting time to legislation for old or new programs that add no value. Some examples of programs that are warranted would be to provide funding for items such as Medicare, highway construction and repair, and others that provide funding for mandated federal program requirements. The role of the federal government, in my opinion, is to provide laws and funding where necessary that bring consistency to requirements for all citizens and to support mandated federal programs.

Sometimes states impose requirements differently for various subjects. While this is not necessarily bad, there needs to be some consistency for requirements that apply to all citizens regardless of state of residence. In this situation, the federal government should identify minimum requirements. Many pieces of legislation are meant to give local representatives or senators exposure for doing something for their home district or state. While it is important to the individual (s) involved showing some action, proposing legislation that is not beneficial to the local, state or national level only adds to waste of taxpayer dollars. Spending time on processing legislation that serves no useful purpose is not in the best interest of the community, state or national level. The list of items in the next paragraph are some of the criteria which I feel all proposed national legislation should meet.

The first item is that funding for value added mandated government programs should be provided. A second condition is to renew funding for programs that work and has shown positive results. This is important as we need to keep renew funding for programs that have shown positive results. A third condition involves issues to provide guidance or to bring consistency between states on national issues. The forth criteria should be where there is need to clarify terms in previous laws where requirements have been interpreted differently either within states or the court system. Another requirement is that legislation should not be generated solely for the purpose to bring funding to local districts or states where there is no value added benefit. Legislation should support national government responsibilities. The last requirements are where legislation should provide guidance or funding for value added services which are the responsibility of the federal government.

In summary proposed legislation at the national level should only be generated for necessary federal programs and responsibilities. It should not be to continually support programs that have been shown to be a waste of taxpayer dollars where no positive results can be identified. Sometimes there are exceptions but it should not be the rule. Legislators should look at the economic and value added to all proposed legislation and only devote time to those that are requirements of the national government to provide. National legislation should not impede on any subject which is a state responsibility to provide.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Integrity in Political Mailings

Publications that are generated by supporters of political candidates or the candidates themselves must have accurate, complete and reliable information. Political candidates mail publications for various reasons. Any content that is printed and distributed to their constituents must be reviewed for accuracy and completeness of information. Political candidates and their supporters have a responsibility to provide to their constituents accurate, complete and reliable information.

Sometimes distributed information refers to their opponents in a re-election or election campaign. Information referring to positions on issues should provide some details as to why the position has been made. While all information may not be readily available to the public, an opponent must not use this opportunity to focus on specific issues for which an incumbent may not be able to openly give specifics. Information presented by an opponent focusing on a specific issue provides a disservice to voters. Sometimes an issue is important to voters but the focus should not be on a single issue but all topics important to voters. Focusing on an incumbent’s position on an issue is an attempt, I believe, to take the focus away from qualifications of the person running for office. While this may not always be the case, I do not like this type of tactic and it lowers my opinion of any opponent to an incumbent.

Incumbents have also use the tactic identified in the previous paragraph. Whether it is an incumbent or an opponent, the tactic takes away the focus on qualifications of candidates and their position on issues facing voters. Broad statements made by any candidate must be supported by specific documentation otherwise the statements are merely words with no factual basis. Statements made without supporting information lacks integrity and makes a statement as to the character of the candidate running for office.

Mailings by political candidates should contain accurate and complete information about positions on issues. Sometimes making a statement in publications regarding a position on an issue does not allow for the reasons to be known for the position taken. Sometimes an incumbent in office makes a decision based on information they have available at the time, which may or may not be available to the public. It is important for voters to ask the question of candidates, both incumbents and their opponents, why they take certain positions on issues. This type of activity will help the voter determine who their choice should be when it comes time to vote.

In summary mailings by political candidates should be accurate, complete and reliable. Information that is presented with the purpose of or results in misleading the public provides a disservice to the voters. Political candidates should not use tactics which are aimed at discrediting an incumbent or an opponent of an incumbent where specifics cannot be provided to support decisions made.

Information in mailings should address issues facing voters and candidates positions. Publications should also focus on qualifications and differences between candidates for office, letting the voters decide who is best to fill the position. Making statements that it is time for a change does not qualify as a reason for voters to vote for a candidate running against an opponent. Content of mailings by or for political candidates reflect on the character and integrity of the candidate. We need people who exemplify the characteristics of integrity in office and will make decisions based on all the facts at their disposal even if the position taken is not popular.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Business Ethics Pledge Movement

The world of ethics in the business and the professional environment has constantly been in the news. An effort is currently being made to increase the existence of integrity and ethics in business and organizations. We as individuals are or can be a big part of forcing the business community to operate with integrity in their decisions and the treatment of their customers. This movement needs our help. The movement culminates into a business ethics pledge, which businesses sign to make a commitment to operate their business based on ethical principles. I discovered this organization through reading a book titled Modern Day Heroes: In Defense of America. This is a great book that honors all heroes of society not just the military. The authors of the book are: Pete Mitchell and Bill Perkins.

I signed this pledge as I feel it is important as an individual and a business person to make a commitment to ethics/integrity principles. This commitment was an easy choice for me. I always make sure that work I complete is my best effort and I expect the best effort from others. In dealing with businesses I expect quality products and services and if I do not receive them I take efforts to show my displeasure through available channels. We as individuals must force businesses to operate to the principles outlined in the pledge. This is the only way change will take place.

While there are those businesses which do operate under the principles of this movement there are others that do not. We must require quality products and services or let businesses know that there are other places where you can do business. If I do not receive quality products or services from a company or organization, I stop using that business unless they make an honest effort to change. Commitment must be documented to support statements made. Without documentation there is no evidence of change.

The principles in the pledge are important. I have a web site: on which I have identified my commitment to this movement. There is also links to other articles I have written on the subject of integrity in various elements of society or conditions which exist. Some examples are Integrity in Education, Integrity in Management and Integrity in Auditing. I have also written a book titled Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edition, which can be found on several bookstore sites including A link to the pledge site is noted below. I highly recommend that you access the site and learn about the movement and the commitment businesses make who have signed the pledge. The link is

Through the link provided in the previous paragraph you will find the contents of the pledge and links to ethics articles associated with the principles. The tab titled Principled Profit Book will take you to a site that has much information to help the business person see why having integrity and ethics is beneficial. There is also another great source of information. A book titled Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First by Shel Horowitz. I have bought this book and it is a great resource for the business community in identifying the positive results of making the pledge commitment.

As examples of my commitment to this pledge I have added a link to the pledge site through my email signature, posted comments on writing forums about the pledge, identified my commitment on my business cards and continually talk about the movement. This article is also another way to communicate information about this important movement. The contents of the pledge are noted below. If you have a desire to make the commitment, please go to the link and sign the pledge. The content of the pledge is:

“I pledge allegiance, in my heart and soul, to the concepts of honesty, integrity, and quality in business. I recognize that the cornerstone of success is treating all stakeholders fairly, with compassion, and with a commitment to service. Working from abundance, I recognize that even my competitors can become important allies. I will not tolerate crooked practices in my business, from co-workers, direct or indirect reports, supervisors, managers, suppliers, or anyone else—and if I encounter such practices, I will refuse to go along with them and report them to appropriate authorities within and outside the company. I pledge to support the "triple bottom line" of environmental, social, and financial responsibility. And I pledge to participate in a serious effort to focus the business community on these principles, by sharing this message with at least 100 other business leaders.”

In society today it is important as individuals and business people to make a commitment to ethical principles. I am tired and I am sure there are many others who are tired of unethical decisions that have been made which impact our way of life. Together we can start a change in the concept and perception of the way businesses deal with their customers. Let’s make a commitment to convey the message that we require to be treated with respect and honesty. This commitment involves honesty from businesses and others. People must perform their responsibilities and not force their work on others. Decisions that are made by us as individuals and as business persons must be based on ethical principles. This includes making sure those products and services with which we have an impact are of the highest quality and perform as advertised.