
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Integrity in Book Sales Records

First I want to mention that I am happy with my present publisher and the communications that I have had with them. They have done everything they have promised in their publishing contract with me. They have worked with me when I present some marketing incentives and are available to supply guidance and input. This article deals with the inaccessibility of sales records between distributors and publishers. There are good publishers and there are not so good publishers. In the past I have made attempts to receive information regarding sales records of my previous book sales.

I have, in the past, collected data to show sales history of my books for comparison to publisher records. When making a comparison between my publisher at the time and my records I was told their records were correct and mine were in error. In one case in particular I validated through email the accuracy of the data on a particular site. I was told by my publisher that the company did not own their own site and the information on it. I attempted to obtain sales information from distributors to validate either my records or the records of my publisher. When I undertook this activity I found an interesting fact. I found contracts between publishers and distributors sometimes have restrictions on providing sales and printing information being given directly to authors. This condition must be changed. Authors who are the copyright holder and have not sold any rights are entitled to information on sales of their book (s).

Distributors must be allowed to provide information regarding the sales of books to the authors that wrote them. When full access to information is not allowed publishing contracts with distributors, I believe this is a violation of author rights as the copyright holder. Some answers I have received involved statements such as get the information from the publisher. Information provided from publishers must have method (s) available to validate the information they are providing. Without this verification we must trust the records and payments made by sometimes unscrupulous publishers.

Other statements I have received is that authors have more leverage when it comes to requesting information about their books. This may be true in some cases but if a contract signed between distributors and publishers which restrict free access of sales data, then this is wrong.

Those in government entities must look at this condition to make any necessary changes to laws affecting the release of information to people who own the rights to publications. Authors must free methods available to them so information can be validated. Contracts between publishers and distributors must be required by law to authorize the free access of information to sales data of their publications. This would in no way, I believe, violate conditions of doing business as authors have the right to this information. It is inconceivable that this data not is automatically available to authors with full control of the rights to their books.

In summary authors have a right to receive any sales data from publishers, booksellers and distributors so publisher records can be validated. I have had some success with some booksellers in the past but distributors are another matter. Applicable laws that are currently in place must be changed to require that this kind of data must be provided to authors who own the rights to the books they have written.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity in our society is an important aspect. Those who are involved in the academic segment of our society whether it is as a student or teacher the integrity of the process must be protected. This protection can be critical to the future of society. Academic integrity affects our society in a way that many people do not realize. It can be found in news stories where integrity of academic institutions has been questioned.

The academic portion of society involves schools, training facilities and businesses at all levels. The integrity of the academic process must be protected to assure the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the information being taught. The information being used in subjects must provide all the details associated with the topic to assure that applicable data is included. Information which is applicable to the subject must be presented as part of the learning experience. Leaving out information affects the complete understanding of the subject by the participants. It also can or does affect how and what decisions are made in the future.

While not everything may be able to be included, the teacher/instructor must make sure there is no bias in the information presented. The bias can be from the school perspective or the instructor. Bias as far as conclusion or opinion does not belong in the classroom environment. Students must be presented the information and then decide for themselves their conclusions. all the aspects are referenced It also includes the qualifications of those giving the instruction. Rules for both students and instructors should be identified and strictly enforced. The rules discussed below are only examples of conditions which should be in place.

Another aspect involves the nature of respect. Respect for the instructor and respect for the participants. Those participants in a class who exhibit a lack of respect for the instructor affects the academic integrity of the class. This condition exists as it takes away the potential learning opportunities and becomes the focus rather than the content of the class being taught. Attention must be focused on absorbing and understanding what is being taught.

Another side of this condition involves the fact that teachers/instructors must earn the respect of the class participants. This can be accomplished partially by exhibiting a professional appearance by the way the class information is presented and the physically appearance of the instructor. If a person is not appropriately dressed for a classroom environment, then this aspect can take away attention of the students. If the students do not feel the instructor is being professional in conducting the class, then they may not give the attention to learning the information. If an instructor does not appear to be serious about teaching the information, the participants may not be as well.

The instructors presenting the information must be knowledgeable of the information being taught. Instructors teaching must have the qualifications to present the subject to class participants. This does not mean that all instructors must have teaching degrees. There are many classes taught in a business environment where people are selected to take classes and train others in their organization. It does not make them any less qualified to teach.

To summarize participants in a class must focus their attention on learning the information. They must also assure that their behavior is ethical and right and does not take the focus away from the subject being taught. The instructor must make sure all applicable data is presented in the subject to achieve integrity in the content. The information must be complete, accurate and reliable. To be less affects the understanding of the subject and the decisions that will be made in the future by the participants. This is especially true in the business environment. .

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Integrity on the Internet

Integrity on the Internet is a topic of wide discussion today. There are many sites on the Internet which have the qualities of integrity within them. However, there are many sites which do not. To have integrity within a site on the Internet the owner and/or webmaster must display certain qualities. The qualities discussed below are not all inclusive but are a sample of the type of characteristics that should be displayed. The characteristics discussed are only meant to be indications of integrity which should be displayed. The discussion is not meant to imply that sites without the characteristics below do not have integrity only that they should be more carefully examined. All sites should be reviewed for having integrity but those that have the characteristics below may not need as close a review as others.

One of the most important things a sit must have is a way of making contact. It is important to provide visitors with a way of communicating. Sometimes a site has a broken link or a visitor needs more information or has a question on the information provided. This method of communication should be easily found and easy to use. A site that has a method of contact wants to receive information from their visitors. Visitors can aid the site owner/webmaster in maintaining the integrity of the data. Another characteristic is where information is posted but the webmaster or owner does not give the proper credit to the source. Sources of information should be properly identified. This can be an important factor if a visitor wants permission to use the material. The holder of the copyright must grant permission to use the material under the terms identified on the site or the site of the copyright holder.

Information sources can sometimes be readily determined. Other times it cannot. Information posted which does not identify the source can result in the site being questioned as to the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the information and the site. Giving credit to the source is not enough. There should be a method of contacting them for whatever reason a visitor may need. When I post articles of other writers, I provide the source and a link to contact them for additional information or questions. I have obtained permission to use other writer’s articles on my site and I have identified the source and a method of contact.

Another important factor is where data is collected by the webmaster or owner for tracking visitors and their information. A site should have this identified upfront so any visitor knows the extent of the information collected and how it is used. I have a statement on my site that indicates the type of information that is collected and how the information is used. This will help to make the visitor more comfortable in visiting knowing the data that will be collected and how it will be used.

Another factor to maintain integrity is not posting information for which permission has not been granted by the copyright holder. Sometimes the information is in the public domain. This should be verified before posting. Other times the information is not within the public domain and there are requirements for using information of others. These conditions should not be violated. If questionable information is posted and the source is not readily identifiable, then this adds to the perception that the site lacks integrity.

There are other characteristics which comprise the concept of integrity on the Internet. The discussion of the characteristics above is only an indication of how important integrity is when it applies to the Internet. Any owner of a site must assure that information posted is accurate, complete and reliable. The owner or source of the information must also be questioned or validated before posting. Checking sources before posting information will only increase the integrity perception of site and the information.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Audit Integrity

Audit integrity is critical to the well-being of society and the records that are generated as a result of audits conducted. Those who conduct audits must do so with integrity principles engrained in their personal character. Auditors performing such audits as accounting, quality assurance or quality system to name a few must not have any preceived conclusions of the outcome. When conclusions are present whether they are fixed or perceived without verification, the process of the audit and the data collected can be affected. He/she must make sure that the focus is maintained during the audit to accomplish the intent established.

Audit integrity is a subject that should be important to all individuals. Audits that are conducted in various businesses affect decisions we must make as individuals involving our family, friends and our livelihood. Most of us have been involved at one point or another with audits that are conducted. All companies have some involvement with the audit process. They are either conducting an audit or they are being audited. Those of us that work must make sure that when we are involved in an audit, either conducting it or answering questions, we must do so honestly.

We must place ourselves in other individual’s position. Would we want audit results not properly identify the actual status of a company’s system or their products. The accuracy can be critical if we are making a decision to purchase stock, products or services. Therefore, we must make sure that our involvement has the characteristics of honesty, completeness and accuracy. There have been examples of audits conducted that did not produce or identify problems with company records. This inaccuracy or incompleteness affected hundreds of thousands of individuals.

We as individuals also conduct our own audits though we may not realize it. We check our phone bill, credit card statements and others for accuracy to make sure that we are not being charged for something that was not authorized. Let us make sure that any audits we conduct or with which we become involved that we do so honestly. If we are conducting an audit we must make sure that we get satisfactory answers to questions we ask and if we do not to keep asking until we receive a satisfactory response. If we are asked a question during an audit we must provide an answer that directly relates to the question. One point with providing answers in an audit environment is to only answer the question and not volunteer more information than what the question is asking for.

In summary audits that are conducted must be accurate, honest and complete both in the performance and the results. Auditors must satisfy the purpose of the audit and ask specific questions to collect data on which to make decisions. The data required must be complete, accurate and reliable to draw conclusions. Any decision made to determine compliance or noncompliance to applicable requirements must be based on all applicable data for the area being reviewed. All applicable contractual and system requirements must also be reviewed and validated to determine compliance. The individuals involved in answering questions of an auditor must answer the question with enough data to satisfy the conditions posed in the question. They should however, not volunteer any additional data that is not needed for the auditor to determine acceptance of the answer provided.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Integrity in Applying for Jobs

Integrity in the job market today has a distinct need. Today there are many jobs posted on the internet on a daily basis. There are a wide variety of positions posted with a wide variety of requirements for those jobs. It is imperative that when you are applying to a specific job announcement that you make sure that you meet the requirements as posted. It is both time consuming and inefficient for companies to process and/or review applications for a job to which the applicant does not meet the minimum qualifications.

Integrity in society today needs to be increased or at least the exposure of the integrity that is present. Applicants who apply for positions must help to provide an effort to increase the amount of integrity in society. This can be accomplished by making sure that you meet the qualifications for the position. This first step in applying for positions is to make sure you qualify. This shows that you have integrity in not applying for a position for which you cannot perform the requirements.

Sometimes the qualification terms can be vague and you are not sure if you meet the criteria. One way to identify if you can perform the requirements of the position is to look at the responsibilities. If you have experience in performing the identified actions chances are that you can perform the duties. Sometimes, however, the minimum requirements such as a degree keep you from applying for the position. It may be difficult to keep from applying but you must respect the conditions imposed for the position.

It is up to the company posting a job announcement to assure that they are not limiting qualified candidates from applying. Many times those who do not have a degree can perform the job as good if not better than those with a degree. A degree is a good thing to have but it does not necessarily mean that you can perform specific tasks of a position simply because you have a degree.
In summary you should only apply for positions for which you qualify as defined in the position description. Sometimes the title of the position may be misleading as to your meeting the requirements. Before applying for a job make sure that you can perform the duties as defined and that you meet the minimum requirements in submitting an application. This will help the company to reduce cost by not having to review applications for people who do not meet the minimum requirements. It will also show that you have integrity in this specific aspect by not applying for a position to which you do not qualify.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Integrity in Eminent Domain Actions

The actions taken by local governments and sometimes state and national governments regarding eminent domain have recently been open to question. There have been court cases which in part have supported the government position and at other times have supported the home owner. Eminent domain in its concept is a good tool which is available for government entities. However there are indications, in some cases, that this tool appears to have been abused. Local and state governments must have the resources to develop and grow in particular areas. However, when making a decision to impose eminent domain for a specific area they must take into consideration the effect on individuals.

Many times people have resided in areas for most if not all of their lives. When a government entity invokes eminent domain this affects people not only physically but also psychologically. This must be taken into consideration. The person (s) or government making the decision must honestly ask themselves a question. How would they feel if they were the person or persons being impacted by the decision?

The decision and the issues involved in invoking eminent domain must have the characteristics of integrity. The people involved in making the decision must also display the characteristics of integrity in how the decision was made. Is there a real need and not a perceived need to invoke eminent domain? Taking a person’s property is a significant event in their lives. The decision should not be taken lightly.

The questions that I feel should be asked are noted below. The answers to the questions must be honest and if eminent domain is invoked it must pass the test for integrity. The decisions must be evaluated against previous court decisions regarding eminent domain which have in some cases reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

Is the action necessary for the public good?
Is the use strictly going to be for public purposes?
Are private individuals or companies going to benefit with regard to building a building for private use?
Is the action necessary to create a safer environment such as the widening of a street to ease traffic flow?
Have all options been considered as to other possible locations that have less impact on individuals.
Are government employees going to benefit from the action being taken?
Has all available information on the facts been reviewed for accuracy and completeness?

The purpose of eminent domain actions taken by municipalities is some cases are not clearly defined and leave unanswered questions as to the actual purpose of the action. Economic development is necessary if an area is to develop and grow. The use of eminent domain can have an affect upon the public opinion of the government entity invoking this power. Sometimes decisions must be made for the public good but they need to be made with honesty and integrity. Governments at all levels in their decisions are subject to the opinion of the public for their actions. Voters who are unhappy with decisions of government entities must make their feelings known. Voters have a right to replace officials if it is felt they have overstepped their authority. This can be legal or moral. I am not a lawyer but the rights of the individual as written in the U.S. Constitution must be protected.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Integrity in Restaurant Service

Service by restaurants and integrity is a concept that we usually do not bring together. Integrity does play a part in the service we receive or not receive in the service we get when we go to a restaurant. Service involves both the issues of getting our order correct and the service we receive from the waitress/waiter.

Service of the waitress or waiter is a key ingredient in whether we are a satisfied customer. Satisfied customers return to places where the service and the food are good. Integrity in restaurant service by a waitress/waiter involves several things. The main point to address is that attention to the customer is critical. People do not like to be shown to their seats and then ignored. They expect to have a person to take their order in a timely manner. When we go to a restaurant we would like to be provided with integrity of service. Integrity of service involves accomplishing the responsibilities in serving the customers. Some of the elements involved are listed below.

Take the order in a timely manner.
Check to make sure the customer (s) do not need drink refills.
Make sure the order is correct before setting it on the table.
Take the dishes when the customer (s) is finished.
Ask the customer (s) if they want dessert.
Check to see if the customer (s) needs anything else.
Write the order down correctly.
Not forgetting part of the order when delivering.

Part of the service in a restaurant involves the preparing the order. The integrity and service of the chef involves making sure the order is prepared as requested on the ticket. There are times that I have had to send food back as it was not prepared correctly. I like my food cooked well-done and I will return it until it is done as I requested. There are times when it comes back correctly the second time but there are times that it takes 3 or more times to get it right. A customer who experiences this is not apt to return in the future as a repeat customer. It is important for chefs to make sure the orders they receive is prepared as the customer requested.

Many times I have been in restaurants and have received excellent service and there are times when the service has been lacking. When I do not receive good service I usually do not leave a tip or if I do it is a small one. This is to send a single that I was not happy with the service I received. Sometimes if the service is bad enough, I let the cashier and/or the manager know of my experience.

If we receive good food/service we as individuals should tip our waitress/waiter to show our appreciation. There are many good waitresses/waiters in restaurants. Those that provide good service should be rewarded; those that do not should not. When we do a great job we like to be recognized so we should apply the same principle to service in a restaurant. Recognize good service when it is received. The people in this profession will appreciate it.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Integrity in Emails

Most everyone who has an email address receives information that in some cases lacks a sense of truth. I have received emails with misleading headlines in the subject. An example would be come get your free gift. When reading the content of the some emails a purchase is required to receive the gift (s). Emails such as these should not be sent as they have a distinct lack of integrity both in the content and the subject line. If an email subject line identifies that you have a free gift, then you should not have to purchase something to receive it. There are other cases where all that is required is to sign up for a newsletter. I find this not to be a problem in many cases but it too should not be a requirement.

I must say that there are many legitimate emails that are sent on a daily basis. One example is receiving emails from newsletters or internet organizations to which you belong. Any email that disguises the true content or purpose in the subject, in my opinion, lacks integrity. In my emails I have a reason for contacting an organization or individual. When we send emails we feel that they have a legitimate purpose. We must examine the purpose of each of our emails so that it will violate spam conditions. Below are some valid reasons for sending an email that I have collected. However it is not meant to be all inclusive. It is only meant to provide examples. The list also contains references to truth in the subject line.


Requesting Information
Questions on site information
Requesting permission to use information (e.g. copyright permission)
Communicating with friends and associates
Providing information on a new product not listed on the site. An example would be a
new book for a site that sells books. .
Using the contact methods identified on the site.
Communicate with employees

Subject Line

Identify the true purpose of the email
Assure purpose is clearly written and truthful.
Subject should agree with content

These may not be all the proper reasons for generating an email but I feel they satisfy a large portion of the requirements for sending emails.

Emails that identify misleading or inaccurate statements in the subject line I tend to delete without opening and in some cases I will block the receipt of future emails from the same source. The exception to this would be newsletters to which I am subscribed. In some cases though, I have discontinued my receipt of newsletters where statements being made in the subject line are misleading. We as individuals have a right to only receive emails which have a valid reason for contacting us. We can filter our emails by establishing receiving rules for messages. This will help to reduce the amount of unwanted emails we receive. We can help to reduce spam through making sure that emails we send have a valid purpose and that the subject line is truthful and agrees with the content.