
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Integrity in the Performance of Parole Board Functions

The function of parole boards is a critical aspect in overseeing the process of releasing criminals from prison. This process must be accomplished with integrity and concern for the public which has been victimized by the criminals before the board. Everyone in prison has the right, within the boundaries established, to be heard before a parole board for possible release after a period of time. The parole board must take into account the details of the crime and the potential for harm to the public if a prisoner is released.

There are many crimes which have been so devastating to the victims that the criminals in prison should not be granted parole. However, it does not mean that they do not have the right to be considered for parole.

Parole boards must consider the possibilities of paroling individuals who may go out and commit the same type of crime or another and be back in prison. Parole boards must act with integrity and compassion when reviewing criminals for possible parole. When making a decision to parole an individual compassion for the victims of the crimes connected with the criminal before they should be involved in the decision. Many times the criminal is given priority in determining the granting of a parole without considering the victims of the crime.

These boards are not the only responsible organization within the criminal justice system. Judges, the court system and legislatures are involved in the process of making criminal pay for their crimes. Judges must set sentences within the boundaries of the law and legislatures must make sure that adequate laws are in place to require minimum sentences for specific types of crimes. Crimes that are devastating both to the victims and the communities in which they occurred should require that a minimum amount of time should be served.

Parole boards must look at the nature of the crime and the type of requirements imposed on the criminal before them in the determination to grant parole. Examples are those that commit crimes that have a devastating impact on the lives of their victims or their communities. One example is where fraud is committed against our older generation by taking their money with no real hope of increasing their investment. Another is where people are building homes but are not paying the subcontractors involved in the process.

In summary parole boards must apply compassion for the victims of crimes associated with the individual they are considering for parole. All criminals have a right to have a hearing for possible parole. However, judges and the legislatures, where applicable, must establish minimum sentences for specific crimes which have devastated their victims and their communities. Judges with options within the established laws must consider the element of compassion for the victims of a crime. Compassion is something that I feel has not been used within the current legal system in focusing on the victims. Integrity applies to this segment as the right decisions must be made with regard to criminal behavior and the impact on the victims. Victims need to be considered more when establishing sentences and the consideration of granting a parole.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Personal Integrity

Personal integrity in today’s environment is a trait that must increase. Individuals make up companies and the integrity of a company or organization is affected by the integrity or the lack of it in their employees. When we perform our assigned tasks we must do so with the intentions of doing the best job for which we are capable. This involves not only following the policies and procedures but assuring all our work and its content has integrity principles within it.

We as individuals in our job descriptions have tasks, duties and responsibilities. We must take these requirements seriously. The company or organization for which we work is dependant upon us for completing our assigned duties and responsibilities. The effort and the results of completing these requirements must be done with a quality effort. This involves not only the quality of the work but the content as well. It is imperative that any information that we generate must be complete, accurate and reliable. This also involves the tasks of being honest. If we create data or information that is not honest the decisions made from this data will be flawed based on incomplete or inaccurate information.

Performing less than our full potential causes inefficiency and increases cost. This in turn increases the cost of operation and may cause a rise in price for the product or services that are being provided. This in turn could cause a reduction in market share and thereby be a threat to the job we are occupying

Again we as individuals must look at our duties and responsibilities seriously. We must provide a high quality performance of our duties. The evidence of completing our assigned tasks must be accurate, complete and reliable. Decisions are made by management of companies and organizations based on our job performance. These decisions can affect the security of our position. This statement is made simply because if the quality of our job performance is lacking, it reflects upon the security of the organization and can be perceived by the public as lacking a quality product or service. We as individuals can help to project a positive image of the company we work for to the public. Providing a positive image through our work can help to gain respect in the public’s opinion of the products and services being produced. This has potential of increasing market share and thereby provides more security for the position we hold.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Integrity in Cancelling Interviews

Many times people schedule interviews and do not show up either in person or are not available when a call is made. There can be varying reasons for this to occur. However, when we establish an appointment for an interview, we must honor it or notify the organization with which the interview is scheduled. This commitment applies to interviews being conducted for jobs, interviews as an author or celebrity. The main focus needs to be to honor the commitment we have made. When we do not show up for an interview it places an unfavorable impression by others on our character. This is something that you do not want to take place.

Interviews can be a significant event dependant upon the purpose. If it is an interview for a job you must give a good impression by arriving for the interview as scheduled. This is the first impression an organization generates before the interview begins. Starting off on the right foot in an interview is important. When we do not show up for a scheduled interview for a job it impacts the schedule of the person conducting the interview. It causes a shift in the schedule and this is something that is remembered by companies when making decisions to hire employees. The key in this situation is to notify the person that is scheduled to conduct the interview as soon as possible if you are unable to make your appointed time. If you reason is valid most companies will not hold this against you and will be willing to reschedule the interview.

Interviews with radio or TV personalities are another matter. If you are an author and have interviews scheduled either in person or by telephone, it is important to be available at the appointed time. The worst thing to do is to not be available to answer the telephone to participate in the scheduled interview. This causes a scheduling problem with program time and will earn you a reputation that you do not want, especially if you are a beginning author and want good publicity for your books and articles.

In the world of TV and radio it is important to have contact ahead of time just prior to the scheduled interview. This is to assure that no mistakes are made and to verify that the interview time has not changed based on unforeseen circumstances. Sometimes this occurs with radio and TV hosts and issues arise that changes their program priorities. While this does not occur often, it is advisable to be aware of the possible changes in schedules. Personalities or their staff will usually contact you to verify to availability for the scheduled time. I had an interview with a local TV station and they called to confirm the appointed time the day before the interview.

Interviews with radio stations can be live or recorded based on the time the interview is scheduled and the location of the program and the person to be interviewed. Sometimes the times require that the interview be recorded as the time of the program was not conducive to a live participation. This occurred with an interview I had with a radio station in California. The time of the program was 11:00 P.M. California time and since I was in the Eastern Time zone the time would have been 2:00 A.M. Therefore the interview was recorded.

In summary it is important to contact the person conducting an interview for whatever reason if you are unavailable to make your commitment. Again emergencies do occur and people will normally understand when commitments need to be changed if you have a valid reason. This will help to achieve a positive image in the eyes of the interviewer and greatly enhance your perception as a person of integrity. It will also help your cause for the reason for which the interview was to be conducted. Remember to consider the impact on others when you must cancel an interview in any situation. You would want the same courtesy.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Integrity Responsibilities of an Author

Integrity in writing books or articles is a subject which must be engrained in everything a writer/author generates. It is important not only for an author’s reputation but also the perception that he/she is operating within the boundaries of integrity. When writing a book, the author must assure that he/she has all the required permissions involved in sources of information being used. This involves information which is copyrighted by other individuals, organizations or websites. When material is included in a book an author must make sure in his/her research that using information does not violate any copyright or guidelines in place from the source.

One exception to this is where the information is in the public domain. This condition must be verified however, before use and/or publication of any book or article. Information in the public domain can typically be used in a book environment. However, information at the source site must be reviewed for any guidelines/limitations in place. Sometimes even public information may have limitations and the guidelines must be followed to avoid violating any conditions for use. It is important to note that if there is a question on the requirements for use, the website should be contacted. Establishing written permission is a critical component to having documentation to validate the integrity in the collection and writing of any book. Getting verbal permission does not provide proof of permission, especially if there are any questions in the future.

Sometimes sites with information in the public or private domain freely allow the use of information within guidelines. An author must make sure using information involving any guidelines in place does not violate those conditions. In my book Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edition, ISBN 0741429160 I used both public and private information. In my book several sources of information was used. I contacted sources to obtain permission for use. This should always be done especially if there are any questions on permission guidelines. In one particular case I had to sign a contract. In other cases there were guidelines imposed on sites and when the information was used I made sure that the limits were not violated.

Writing an article is another aspect of being a writer/author. The content of an article must not violate the copyright rules if the information was previously posted. We as writers/authors must make sure that we do not violate copyright conditions and do not try to display information by other individuals as our own. This also involves plagiarism which involves taking an article by another individual and changing the words and exhibiting the information as your own.

One exception to the requirements above involves the fact that we as individuals and writers/authors are allowed to look at the content of an article and comment on the information and any conclusions made. We have a right to our express our opinion. This is true as long as what we say is complete and accurate. We cannot make statements that have not been validated to be true associated with any individual or organization.

In summary when a writer/author uses any information it must be a matter of principle to obtain written permission of another individual, organization or web site. This is especially true if it is unclear as to the need for obtaining permission. We also should not rewrite articles and pass on the information as our own. We are allowed to make comments on the information and/or conclusions on the information previously written. It is important in making comments that we do not make statements that are either untrue or have not be verified for accuracy and completeness. Integrity is an important subject and can destroy a writer/author’s career if it is determined that the principles of honesty, completeness and accuracy are not present in the content of any books and articles written.